Resilient Leader

Corporate wellbeing programme to prevent and remedy anxiety, lack of focus, sleep dysfunction and burn out.

Exhaustion, lack of sleep and anxiety is epidemic in today's workplace - particularly at senior levels. At best this leads to low motivation, lack of focus and low productivity; at worst, total burnt out. 

The Resilient Leader corporate wellbeing programme is a tailored training and support initiative for overwhelmed executives, managers and senior leaders who want to improve and protect their personal health and lead motivated, healthy teams.

Building personal resilience and harnessing the body's natural relaxation processes is essential  if today’s workplace challenges are to be overcome. By effectively calming the nervous system we can increase energy and transform our ability to cope under pressure. By bringing more awareness and compassion to our working day we can identify patterns of behaviour and enhance our levels of functioning.

Creating emotional, physical and mental wellbeing is the very first step towards motivated, sustainable high performance.

For managers who appreciate the value of this training we offer Resilient in the Workplace - a group training programme designed to improve  employee health and wellbeing by equipping them with the  powerful relaxation and emotional intelligence training found in our Resilient Leader program. 

The program is delivered in a distance learning format with live online support. The material is particularly suited to working environments where staff may be sceptical about meditation practice. In such cases we  introduce mindfulness simply as a psychological tool, grounded in neuroscience, and provide a suitable range of alternative tools and strategies to bring about relaxation and improved performance.

How resilience training can transform your people so they handle stress better, feel happier and are more productive and loyal to you and your company...

It doesn’t matter what business or service you’re in — to get the right results, you need to get your people working right. Thinking on their feet. Identifying and solving tough problems. Adapting to rapid change and working together as a powerful team.

When your people perform at their peak, they’re more productive, so targets are met quickly and smoothly. They’re more focused and more efficient, so expenditure is minimised. There’s less conflict so work is more enjoyable. 

The popularity of mindfulness and resilience training has exploded in recent years in almost every sector including  schools, universities, hospitals, corporations, and government. A large body of research now demonstrates conclusively that workplace training in mindfulness and resilience can lead to:

  • Development and enhancement of critical leadership skills. In studies in organisations and working environments mindfulness training has been shown to help develop critical leadership skills such as focus, emotional regulation, empathy, adaptability and  collaboration.* 
  • Reduced absenteeism. Lowered stress levels, enhanced immune function and improved physical and mental well-being lead to lower incidences of absences and healthcare costs. 
  • Improved productivity and decision-making. Increase in attention span and ability to stay calm and focused happens when the mind is clear and not so cluttered by overwhelm or distractions. With increased focus and clarity of thought, problem-solving and decision making skills are improved. 
  • Collaboration and teamwork. Mindfulness practices equip employees with better conflict management and interpersonal skills that make resolving issues easier for employees and managers alike. Teams that are less stressed tend to collaborate much more effectively.
  • Increased happiness. One of the greatest benefits of mindfulness and resilience training is the  improvement in overall happiness of employees which is consistently noted.  Many corporations are today experiencing increased performance on all levels purely as a result of a happier workforce.  

    *Source: Mindfulness in organisations - Case Studies of Organisational Practice, Carter A, Tobias J and Spiegelhalter K

To find out how  mindfulness and resilience training can be quickly implemented in your organisation contact us today

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