Mental and Emotional Health

Mindfulness-Based Programs

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"I used to feel tired and drained; lacking in motivation & burned out. I was always brooding and 'harping back', trying to make changes but then getting disillusioned when I failed. Since learning to meditate I now appreciate what I have & what is around me. I can accept things without needing to try and change things."

John Rimmington
Quiet Mind Course Attendee

"Looking back now it's hard to believe how much stress and anxiety were affecting us both. I was hardly sleeping, Lisa would fret constantly and we were both irritable and frustrated worrying about things that appeared to not be in our control. The Life Raft has helped us to put everything back into perspective, given us tools to manage our thoughts and consequently how we feel. We've both been blown away by how much mindfulness has helped us, and undertaking this journey together has helped us to grow and be stronger as a couple too. Looking back at the questionnaires we did at the start of the course, I almost didn't recognise myself and I'm still amazed that that was just eight weeks ago. A huge thank you Rob! We look forward to sharing the next leg of the journey with you."

David & Lisa Jordan

50% Complete

Two Step

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